“This book is a cracking good read. Matt DeGennaro has knitted a seamless and believable reality out of the skeins of the familiar and the extraordinary - and that makes for a book that anyone can gallop through today, and be pleased to pick up again on some miserable wintry evening in the future when all the doors are locked, and supper is in the oven, and they feel it would be pleasant to take a journey with known friends down a familiar highway to an anticipated and satisfactory conclusion.”
Emily Peach, author of the books: The Tarot Workbook, Understanding and Using Tarot, Tarot Prediction and Things that Go Bump in the Night (available on Amazon).
“DeGennaro manages to weave a story that is different enough to be refreshing. It is an invitation to walk with the author and his family of characters through the mysteries of enlightenment, transformation and redemption.”
Grady Harp, author of War Songs and Amazon "Top 50" reviewer.
“Crossroads: Inside Callisto is a unique fiction novel incorporating a blend of mystical new age philosophies and science fiction. DeGennaro has created his own hybrid-fiction-genre in which he incorporates his philosophical views within the context of a science fiction-drama.”
Patricia from The Academy of Cybertoria.
Full reviews can be found here
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Crossroads: Inside Callisto was originally written as a screenplay for a movie entitled, "Rapid Transit". Agents and Studios interested in producing this movie and owning the rights to the script, may contact Matt through the website.
Matt DeGennaro is currently working on his next novel entitled, "Wisdom of the Ancients" which he is aiming to have published sometime during 2013.